To pitch a story to us, please fill out the form below. If our editorial team is interested in your story we will get back to you with further information.
The Contrapuntal publishes reportage, opinion articles, photo essays, videos, and fiction pieces that:
- governments’ discourage from being told or actively suppress;
- mainstream media cannot or do not want to carry;
- provide broader unexplored perspective on stories in a nuanced way;
- increase or alter our understanding of the issues that are either invisiblized or erased;
- transcend narrow boundaries of race, religion, and state, and bring forth people-centric stories.
We may take up to 2-3 weeks to respond to your pitch. Once we accept a pitch, it typically takes 3-4 weeks before it is published. We have a small editorial team, thus limiting the speed at which we can work.
Submission guidelines
- The desired length for a news reportage should be between 1200-1500 words.
- Feature stories can be up to 2000 words.
- Critical commentaries and opinions should be max. 2000 words.
- The articles should be written in simple language with limited jargon.
- The drafts should be written in a story form or have a clear flow.
- Share a couple of relevant pictures with captions to accompany the article.