Erasure, Mini-Conflicts and Precarity


In Episode 03, Dr. Ritwik hosts Nitin, a former business journalist turned humanitarian communications professional. Nitin shares his disillusionment with journalism, where he witnessed people’s voices and grievances often overlooked or completely disregarded. Now working as a communications officer for a transnational non-profit aid organization, Nitin sheds light on the challenges he faced in conflict-affected Borno state in north-east Nigeria. His experiences there heightened his awareness of the fragility of human life and the intricacies of localized conflicts within broader conflict zones.

Nitin also delves into his encounters while working with displaced Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. He explores the profound stories of individuals clinging to hope for a better life amidst the harsh realities of displacement and violence. The conversation emphasizes the urgent need to refocus on our shared humanity and engage in discussions that spotlight those confronting violence, displacement, and adversity.

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