The article explores four stories from Indonesia and Morocco, uncovering factors driving climate migration and accentuates the necessity of rights and justice centric actions.
Pakistan's devastating floods last year left a trail of damage and millions of people homeless that are now struggling to relocate from makeshift camps or migrate to cities.
Hidden beneath the glimmering skyscrapers and bustling cities of India, the plight of migrant workers has often been overlooked and disregarded. From construction sites to factories, their stories paint a picture of exploitation, discrimination, and deprivation.
Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem, in the southern Hebron hills, in the Naqab Desert and elsewhere, are still suffering the consequences of Israel’s quest for demographic supremacy.
Whereas the UK Home Office inquiry revealed that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are mostly white, conservatives target British Pakistani community.
The Contrapuntal is an independent non-profit publication devoted to delivering rigorously researched, accessible and factually accurate journalism from a ground-up perspective. We seek to publish people-centric stories, explained in a strikingly clear manner.